Friday, April 08, 2005

Best meeting for Kyle, so far.

The Owlerton men will now start the return leg in Scotland as clear favourites to claim the aggregate bonus point after their convincing win, Thursday night.Wilson, still in the early stages of a gutsy return from a serious neck injury, was rarely troubled in his five outings and he received solid support from all his colleagues.Sheffield asset James Birkinshaw was top man for the visitors - both in terms of points and entertainment value.Birkinshaw, on loan to Glasgow for the season, scraped the fence and narrowly avoided more than the one crash he suffered in Heat 15 as he thrilled the Owlerton crowd with the type of performance which made him so popular in his home city.But Glasgow, as a team, were poor opposition. From the moment Wilson teamed up with Ben Wilson for a 5-1 over ex-Tiger George Stancl in the first race there was only ever going to be one outcome.Stancl was nominated for double points as early as Heat 5 and he claimed a second place - but only after Richard Hall had been hit by mechanical gremlins when in a maximum position with colleague Ricky Ashworth.Birkinshaw was used as a tactical substitution in Heat 8 off a 15-metre handicap and he swept past Kyle Legault but ran out of time to catch Ben Wilson.It was a case of damage limitation for a sorry Glasgow side who saw Shane Parker claim a maximum six-points as their tactical ride in Heat 9.Skipper Wilson went on to secure his maximum with a breathtaking pass on Parker in Heat 15 down the back straight. Parker edged out Andre Compton to inflict the only defeat of the night on the reigning Premier League Riders' Champion.TIGERS: Sean Wilson 15, Andre Compton 12+1, Ricky Ashworth 11, Ben Wilson 7+1, Kyle Legault 6+3,(4 rides) Paul Cooper 6+1, Richard Hall 4+1.GLASGOW: James Birkinshaw 13, Shane Parker 12, George Stancl 7, Matthew Wethers 2+2, Trent Leverington 2, Mark Thompson 0, Paul Bentley 0. Next race is at Glasgow, Sunday 10th , 3 pm gmt(11 am et) Read Kyles thoughts and comments on this meeting in "comments." Take the Glasgow live radio link for the latest news on the away match, after the meeting at 12 and 1 pm et.


Blogger Andy said...

Hey Andy.. Thanks, Ya it went really well last night, i finaly have everything sorted out. I have 2 good mechanics working with me now Mark Sargent and Steve Langdon. they have been a big help. Steve has been around along time and has worked with the best in the world like Billy Hamill Sam Ermalanco so he knows the right set ups and we work together talk alot and make everything work. The track was like glue the first heat u had to hold on with everything you had and you cant slow one bit cuz there was 2 guys charging in hard. We made the set ups work really well, we were off alittle in heat 8 i was running a 59 but my first thought was go to 57 for a little more drive. but i just changed the timming instead but it wasnt enougt. but ya it was great to make the 6 points it felt real good but my main goal is to beat berko this sunday. ill talk soon take care Kyle

Original message.

Great stuff mate. We both knew it would come. What a confidence
builder too. Give me your thoughts as soon as you read this mail so
I can post them. And any pics if you have any from the races are
always welcome. Good luck for sunday up north and keep the ball
rolling. Well done.

icemanandy #19

9:37 AM  

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