Sunday, June 25, 2006

Orosz waves the checkered flag again at Welland!!

Another cool night at Welland gave the riders an excellent racing surface for the 800 strong crowd. "Hotdog" Freddie legault continued his awesome start to the '06 season by, again, winning races and making a strong showing in the main. This main, however, was all Jeff Orosz. "Jumping" Jeff powered away from the line in the final and was chased hard for all four laps by John Kehoe and Freddie who moved through from third place to pressure Orosz until the finish line, when all three riders crossed the line with less than two bike lengths between them. Orosz, Legault, Kehoe, Dixon, Hesmer was the final result. Division 2 was dominated by the newly inspired Bart Moskala who won all his races with ease.


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