Written by Graham Read
Honourary VP CMA
Chair CMA Environmental Panel
Member FIM Environment Commission
"Some of you may have been following news of electric motorcycles for the past few years. The news has not just been about electrified bicycles and mopeds. Indeed, most of it has been about the development of electric powered competition machines. We now have prototype and production models for MX, Enduro, Trials, Supermoto & Road Racing from KTM, Quantya, Zero and others, some already on sale in Canada.
This past June saw the first TTXGP for carbon-zero motorcycles racing at the historic Isle of Man TT. The winning machine averaged 139 kph over the TT's 60 km "mountain" course. The great success of this inaugural event had two immediate results. Next year's TTXGP will be over two laps which will allow for a pit stop for "refuelling". Also for 2010, the FIM announced a road racing series for electric motorcycles, to be run in conjunction with World Endurance Championship events in Europe and Asia.
But, it is on the off-road competition categories where most of the prototype & production developments can be found. Models for MX, enduro, trials and supermoto are on sale now.
Those of you who followed the CMA's web site last week will have read of the EcoEnduro in Denmark. This 3-day event for electric motorcycles, featuring world-ranked MX, enduro & other off-road competitors, will be held during the Copenhagen Environment Summit. This follows a number of high profile demonstration off-road events this past year on both sides of the Atlantic.
Several years ago, the FIM established World Speed Record categories for electric motorcycles as well as for other "unconventional" or "alternative" power sources. The FIM also established an Alternative Energies Working Group to investigate, evaluate and make recommendations about evolving trends in energy sources suitable for motorcycles. And, for FIM's rallies, it has established an award category for touring motorcycles using electric power.
The arrival of electric competition motorcycles does not mean the demise of our familiar, gasoline-engined racers. Rather, it opens up a new set of competition classes to could run in conjunction with conventional classes. It also brings on board a whole new set of "tinkerers" interested in stretching the envelope with electrons, wires, diodes and other electric "stuff". With little noise and no exhaust fumes it opens up new competition venues close to residential and other built-up areas as well as more indoor locations.
The CMA has been following these developments and feels that it is now feasible to initiate competition events for electric motorcycles in Canada. We would like to hear from members interested in electric motorcycles, for competition, touring or commuting. We would also like to hear from clubs and promoters interested in incorporating electric classes into their regular events or, in establishing standalone events for electric motorcycles."
Curtesy of Canadian motorcycle associaton.