On October 31, 2006 John Cook underwent further surgery on his back.
His condition had deteriorated in the past month because the clips that were holding the rods he had in his back had detached from the vertibrae. The rods spanned 7 vertibrae. These included the one central vertibra which was shattered and reconstructed back in July, with a cage holding it together, plus 3 vertibrae below the shattered one, plus 3 above. The 3 below had screws attaching the rods which were screwed into holes drilled in the lower vertibrae and the rods were held to the upper 3 vertibrae with clips. It was deemed that the pain John was suffering was from the detached upper ends of the rods moving about and tearing up the flesh in his back.
During Tuesday's surgery the rods and all associated hardware were completely removed. This will give him substatially more movement in his back than if they had been left in and re-attached. It is hoped that John can now get back on the road to recovery. He remained in hospital for 3 days after the surgery, to reduce the risk of infection.
He has been encouraged to exercise, but to take it easy, and under no circumstances do anything that might damage his back. For example, riding a stationary exercise bike is fine, but a real bicycle is out of the question, in case he were to fall off.
Any persons or organizations wishing to aid in John's recovery can contribute to:John Cook Recovery Fund
c/o Safe Credit Union
PO Box 1057
North Highlands, CA 95660
(or any Safe Credit Union).
I am sure everyone wants to join me in wishing John a speedy recovery.
- Gary Roberts -